Gyxi DB is now serving [please wait ...] databases
Gyxi DB is Always Fast™, also under pressure. You can expect consistently fast performance from Gyxi, day and night.
Gyxi DB is available 23 places all around the world. You can quickly and easily replicate your data to any region in the world.
Flexible view configuration allows you to configure any view you want with custom partitioning and search functionality.
Using industry standard encryption in transport and at rest and also supporting private cloud.
Gyxi DB is by far the most affordable NoSQL Database as a Service. You will never be afraid of using your data.
No fixed cost and free monthly allowance
Unlimited databases for free
10 GB free storage for any account
The first 1 million operations every month are free
If you exceed free limits, you are warned well in advance and won't get an unexpected bill
Create a free account with Gyxi and create one or more free databases.
When you create a database, you also choose a key which will give full access to your database.
Check the API documentation and start saving data. You can run it in Postman to get samples running immediately.
Remember to set your Gyxi-ApiKey under headers.
There are no queries in Gyxi DB. Instead we use Views. Configure your first view.
Go to and login with the user name and password you chose when you created your account.
Need help? Check the documentation or contact us for free at
Your free database comes with infinite free support.
Create a free account with Gyxi and create one or more free databases.
When you create a database, you also choose a key which will give full access to your database.
Check the API documentation and start saving data. You can run it in Postman to get samples running immediately.
Remember to set your Gyxi-ApiKey under headers.
There are no queries in Gyxi DB. Instead we use Views. Configure your first view.
Go to and login with the user name and password you chose when you created your account.
Need help? Check the documentation or contact us for free at
Your free database comes with infinite free support.